ʼn lid van SAAIR ([1]
Hierdie afdeling versamel, verwerk en ontleed geskikte data oor ons instelling om ingeligte besluitneming, in verhouding tot die interne en eksterne omgewing van die AP Akademie, te bevorder. [2]
Om die missie van die AP Akademie te dien deur akkurate, tydige en verteerbare navorsingsresultate aan die Senaat en ander sleutel-rolspelers te voorsien.
Prof. Johan Bosman (koördineerder)
Dr. Andries Pieterse
Dr. Andries Pieterse
Tel: 012-344-390/1/2 uitbreiding 215
[1] Southern African Association for Institutional Research. Vgl. ook vir die Amerikaanse Association for Institutional Research.
[2] Verstaan na aanleiding van Middaugh (1990:36) se definisie: Institutional research is the sum total of all activities directed at empirically describing the full spectrum of functions (educational, administrative, and support) at a college or university. Institutional research activities examine their functions in their broadest definitions and, in the context of both internal and external environments, embrace data collection and analytical strategies in support of decision making at the institution. BRON: Middaugh, M.F. 1990. The Nature and Scope of Institutional Research. In: Presley, J.B. (red.) Organizing Effective Institutional Research Offices. New Directions for Institutional Research, no. 66. (pp. 35-48), San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Vgl. Howard, R.D., McLaughlin, G.W., Knight, W.E. and associates 2012. The Handbook of Institutional Research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.